STANDARDISATION ORGANISMS : AA Usa 20006 WASHINGTON 2028625156 2028625164 Aluminium Association AAR Usa 20001 WASHINGTON 2026392100 ---------- Association of American Railroads ABS Usa 10048 NEW YORK 2128395000 ---------- American Bureau of Shipping ABNT Br ----- SAO PAULO 112893911 11352536913 Associaçao Brasileira de Normas Tecnicas AECMA Be 1200 BRUSSELS 27758110 27758111 Europeean Association of Aerospace Industries AFNOR Fr 92049 LA DEFENSE 0142915533 0142915656 Association Française de NORmalisation AISI Usa 20036 WASHINGTON 2024527100 ---------- American Iron and Steel Institute AMS / SAE Usa 15096 WARRENDALE 7247764970 7247760790 Aeronautical Materials Specification ANSI Usa 10036 NEW YORK 2126424900 ---------- American National Standard Institute API Usa 10001 NEW YORK 2123664040 ---------- American Petroleum Institute AS Au NSW 2001 SYDNEY 282066010 282066020 Australian Standard AST Se 73725 FAGERSTA 22345100 22310094 Avesta Sandvik Tube ASM Usa OH-44073 MATERIAL PARKS 4403385151 4403384634 American Society for Metals ASME Usa 07007 NEW YORK 8008432763 ---------- American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASTM Usa 19103 PHILADELPHIA 2152995400 2159779679 American Society for Testing and Materials AUTAAS / AFNOR Fr 92049 LA DEFENSE 0142915533 0142915656 Asso. Utilisateurs Aciers Alliages Spéciaux AWS Us 33126 MIAMI 8004439353 ---------- American Welding Society BRITISH STANDARD Uk W4-4AL LONDON 1819969000 1819967400 British Standard BS Uk W4-4AL LONDON 1819969000 1819967400 British Standard BSI Uk W4-4AL LONDON 1819969000 1819967400 British Standard Institute CDA Usa 10016 NEW YORK 2122517200 2122517234 Copper Development Association CEN Be 1050 BRUSSELS 25196811 25196819 Comité Européen de Normalisation CNS Tw R.O.C TAIPEI 223414772 223414773 Taiwan standard CSA Ca L4W-5N6 MISSISSAUGA 4167474000 4167472473 Canadian Standards Association CSN / CSNI Cz 11002 PRAHA 221802111 221802301 Czech Standards Institute CTIF Fr 92318 SEVRES 0141146300 0145341434 Centre Technique Industries de la Fonderie DEF STAN Uk G2-8EX GLASGOW 1412242531 1412242503 Defence Standards procurement agency DIN De 10787 BERLIN 3026012260 3026011231 Deutsches Institut für Normung DLIS-KCCD Usa 49017 BATTLE CREEK 6169614725 6169615305 Defense Logistics Information Service DS Dk 2920 CHARLOTTENLUND 39966101 39966102 Dansk Standard - Danemark EN Be 1050 BRUSSELS 25196811 25196819 EuroNorme EOS Eg ----- CAIRO 2593479 2593480 Egyption Organization for Standardization FMV Se 11588 STOCKOLM 87824000 86675799 Swedish Defence Materiel Administration GAM MM / CEDOCAR Fr 16021 ANGOULEME 0545371919 0545371998 Norme militaire française GB Cn 100088 BEIJING 1062000675 1062033737 Standardization Administration of China GOST Ru 119991 MOSCOW 4952360300 4952366231 Goststandart o Russia ICI Usa 76209 DENTON 9405662287 9405662297 Investment Casting Institute ILZRO Usa NC27713 DURHAM 9193614647 9193611957 International Lead Zinc Research Organisation IS (BIS) In 110002 NEW DELHI 1123230131 1123234062 Bureau of Indian Standards ISO Ch 1211 GENEVE 20 227490111 227333430 International Standards Organisation JIS Jp 107-8440 TOKYO 335838005 335862014 Japanese Standards Association J-STD / IPC Us 60015 BANNOCKBURN 8476157100 8476157105 Asso. Connecting Electronics Industries JUS Yu 11030 BEOGRAD 113541260 113541257 Zavod za standardizaciju KS, KSA Kr 150-870 SEOUL 260094662 260094689 Korean Standards Association MIL- / SAE Usa 15096 WARRENDALE 7247764970 7247760790 Society of Automotive Engineers MSZ / MSZT Hu 1091 BUDAPEST 14566800 14566823 Magyar Szabvanyügyi Testület - Hongrie NACE Usa 77084 HOUSTON 2812286200 ---------- National Association of Corrosion Enginers NAVAIR Usa GA31098 ROBINS AFB --------- ---------- Secretary of Air Force, Naval Air Systems NBN / IBN Be 1000 BRUXELLES 27380111 27334264 Institut Belge de Normalisation NBR / ABNT Br ----- SAO PAULO 112893911 11352536913 Associaçao Brasileira de Normas Tecnicas NEN Nl 2600GB DELFT 152690390 152690190 Organisme de normalisation néerlandais NF Fr 92049 LA DEFENSE 0142915533 0142915656 Association Française de NORmalisation NS / SN No 1326 LYSAKER 67838600 67838601 Standard Norge - Norvège ÖNORM / ÖN At 1020 WIEN 1213000 121300818 Österreichisches Normungsinstitut PN / PKN Pl 00-050 WARSZAWA 225567755 225567416 Polski Komitet Normalizacyjny PRS Pl 80-416 GDANSK 583461700 583460392 Polski Rejestr Statkow QQ- / SAE Usa 15096 WARRENDALE 7247764970 7247760790 Society of Automotive Engineers TSE Tr ----- ANKARA 903124178330 903124180116 Turkish Standards Institution SAE Usa 15096 WARRENDALE 7247764970 7247760790 Society of Automotive Engineers SEW De 40042 DUSSELDORF 21167070 2116707517 Verlag Stahleisen SFS Fi 00241 HELSINKI 91499331 ---------- Suomen Standardisoimisliitto - Finlande SNV Ch 8400 WINTHERTUR 522245454 522245474 Association suisse de normalisation SS / SIS Se 11880 STOCKOLM 855552000 ---------- Swedish Standards Institute TS / TSE Tr ----- ANKARA 3124166620 3124166605 Turkish Standard Institution TÜV International De 51105 KOLN 2218062676 2218061398 Technischer Überwachung Verein UNE / AENOR Es 28004 MADRID 914326000 913104032 Asociacion Espanola de Normalizacion UNI It 20133 MILANO 2700241 270105992 Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione VAR De 40105 DUSSELDORF 211451933 211431009 Verband der Aluminiumrecycling-Industrie e.V. VDEh Stahlinstitut De 40237 DUSSELDORF 21167070 2116707310 VDeh VDG De 40042 DUSSELDORF 2116871254 ---------- Verein Deutcher Giessereifachleute VERLAG STAHLEISEN De 40042 DUSSELDORF 21167070 2116707517 Verlag Stahleisen (SEW) VSM Ch 8400 WINTHERTUR 522245454 522245474 Association suisse de normalisation